Author Archives: admin

Someone Asked Me Recently Where I Get My News

That’s a tricky question. I don’t follow mainstream news at all. It only takes about 15 seconds of reading a newspaper or watching broadcast news to put me in a bad mood. I don’t have time for it. This is what I do have time for.

Need a Rugged Field Service Android with Built-In Accessories Galore?

Let’s face it. Most smartphones and tablets simply aren’t designed to put up with a hard day at work with a good chance of being dropped or rained on. Untimely accidental breakage of a device you or your people need to do their jobs results in office frustration, unhappy field workers and angry customers who are kept… Read More »

Help Your Audience Remember

I don’t know about you, but I would certainly prefer that people remember key points from my presentations. Take a look. It’s a quick read.

My First 3D Scan

I’ve been following the 3D scanning and printing trends for quite some time, but haven’t engaged in the potential until today. Skanect has been on my Mac for almost a year, but I didn’t have an input until my Kinect USB power cable arrived this week.